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Audio Messages by
David A. DePra

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Books by David A. DePra

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   Click on Title or on number under "mp3 files" to download file

mp3 files Series (where applicable)
1046 10/20/24    Overcoming Sin Through Christ  1046-mp3  
1045 10/13/24    The Keys of the Kingdom  1045-mp3  
1044 10/06/24    What is the Reward of the Redeemed? - Part 2  1044-mp3  
1043 09/29/24    What is the Reward of the Redeemed? - Part 1  1043-mp3  
1042 09/22/24    Anatomy of a Cult  1042-mp3  
1041 09/15/24    To Gain Christ and Be Found in Him 1041-mp3  
1040 09/08/24    The Church at Laodecia  1040-mp3  
1039 09/01/24    The Opening of the 7 Seals of Revelation 1039-mp3  
1038 08/25/24    Discovering Jesus Christ  1038-mp3  
1037 08/18/24    Contending for the Faith Once Delivered  1037-mp3  
1036 08/11/24    The Danger of Religious Tradition  1036-mp3  
1035 08/04/24    Suffering Within the Will of God  1035-mp3  
1034 07/28/24    Are You Ready for the Second Coming?  1034-mp3  
1033 07/21/24    Light, Judgment, and Choice  1033-mp3  
1032 07/07/24    The City Which Has Foundations - Part 9  (WHAT Are We Building?)  1032-mp3 Truths from Ezra and Nehemiah
1031 06/30/24    The City Which Has Foundations - Part 8  (The Living Word of God)  1031-mp3 Truths from Ezra and Nehemiah
1030 06/23/24    The City Which Has Foundations - Part 7  (Full Commitment to God)  1030-mp3 Truths from Ezra and Nehemiah
1029 06/16/24    The City Which Has Foundations - Part 6  (The God of All Grace)  1029-mp3 Truths from Ezra and Nehemiah
1028 06/09/24    The City Which Has Foundations - Part 5  (Standing in Christ by Faith)  1028-mp3 Truths from Ezra and Nehemiah
1027 06/02/24    The City Which Has Foundations - Part 4  (Yet Not I, But Christ)  1027-mp3 Truths from Ezra and Nehemiah
1026 05/26/24    The City Which Has Foundations - Part 3  (The New Jerusalem)  1026-mp3 Truths from Ezra and Nehemiah
1025 05/19/24    The City Which Has Foundations - Part 2  (The Lies of the Enemy) 1025-mp3 Truths from Ezra and Nehemiah
1024 05/12/24    The City Which Has Foundations - Part 1  (Christ in His People) 1024-mp3 Truths from Ezra and Nehemiah
1023 04/14/24    Shadow or Reality?  1023-mp3  
1022 04/07/24    The Prayer God Will Answer  1022-mp3  
1021 03/31/24    Learning Jesus Christ  1021-mp3  
1020 03/24/24    Seeking First His Kingdom and His Righteousness  1020-mp3  
1019 03/17/24    Faith in the Midst of Perplexity  1019-mp3  
1018 03/10/24    A Call Back to Christ -- As the Source of All  1018-mp3  
1017 03/03/24    Standing and Withstanding in the Will of God  1017-mp3  
1016 02/25/24    Knowing the Will of God  1016-mp3  
1015 02/11/24    The Essential of the Personal Cross  1015-mp3 The Church - Part 3
1014 02/04/24    Ministering the Lordship of Jesus Christ  1014-mp3 The Church - Part 2
1013 01/28/24    What is the Church?  1013-mp3 The Church - Part 1
1012 01/21/24    Walking in the Flesh vs. Walking in the Spirit - Romans 8  1012-mp3 Romans 6,7,8
1011 01/14/24    Seeing Victory in Jesus Christ - Romans 7  1011-mp3 Romans 6,7,8
1010 01/07/24    Foundations of the Redemption - Romans 6  1010-mp3 Romans 6,7,8
1009 12/24/23    Jesus Christ:  Son of God and Son of Man  1009-mp3  
1008 12/17/23    Restoration in Jesus Christ  1008-mp3  
1007 12/10/23    Faith that Pleases God  1007-mp3  
1006 12/03/23    Hearing the LOGOS of God  1006-mp3  
1005 11/26/23    Quickened Together with Christ  1005-mp3  
1004 11/19/23    The Manifestion of the Sons of God  1004-mp3  
1003 11/05/23    The Upward Calling of God in Jesus Christ  1003-mp3  
1002 10/29/23    Is My Christianity Personal or Borrowed?  1002-mp3  
1001 10/22/23    The Parable of the Talents  1001-mp3  
1000 10/15/23    The Nature and Characteristics of the New Birth  1000-mp3  
999 10/08/23    The ONLY Outcome to Real Spiritual Growth  999-mp3  
998 10/01/23    The Ministry of  Prayer  998-mp3  
997 09/24/23    God's Purpose for the Body of Christ  997-mp3  
996 09/17/23    The Key to a Renewed Mind  996-mp3  
995 09/10/23    Called to Suffer  995-mp3  
994 09/03/23    The Ultimate Issue in the Universe  994-mp3  
993 08/27/23    Watch and Be Ready for The Second Coming  993-mp3  
992 08/20/23    The Need for Redemption  992-mp3  
991 08/13/23    Grace, Truth, and the Cross  991-mp3  
990 08/06/23    The Purpose of God for the Wilderness  990-mp3  
989 07/23/23    Standing Fast by Faith in a Time of Shaking  989-mp3  
988 07/16/23    This Age Ends Only One Way 988-mp3
987 07/09/23    Speaking the Truth in Love  987-mp3
986 07/02/23    Knowing No One After the Flesh 986-mp3
985 06/25/23    Choose You This Day  985-mp3
984 06/18/23    The New Jerusalem  984-mp3
983 06/11/23    Spiritual Ministry  983-mp3
982 06/04/23    Baptized Into Christ  982-mp3
981 05/28/23    Psalm 39 - Seeing the Truth vs. Vain Imaginations  981-mp3 Psalms
980 05/21/23    God's Living Word:  Jesus Christ  980-mp3
979 05/14/23    Psalm 12 - A Cry for the Truth of God in Jesus Christ  979-mp3 Psalms
978 04/30/23    Psalm 62 - My Rock and My Salvation  978-mp3 Psalms
977 04/23/23    The Two Witnesses of Revelation  977-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 13
976 04/16/23    Psalm 4 - Exchanging the Truth for a Lie   976-mp3 Psalms
975 04/09/23    Psalm 46 - The Crisis and Turning Point at Ziklag  975-mp3 Psalms
974 04/02/23    Preaching the Person  974-mp3
973 03/26/23    Trusting God and Not Our Understanding  973-mp3
972 03/19/23    Four Warnings from the Epistle to the Colossians  972-mp3
971 03/12/23    Concerning Revival:  Is Jesus Christ the Alpha and the Omega?  971-mp3
970 03/05/23    The Ministry of Life and Light in Christ Jesus - Pt 2  970-mp3
969 02/26/23    The Ministry of Life and Light in Christ Jesus - Pt 1  969-mp3
968 02/19/23    Knowing the Will of God  968-mp3
967 02/12/23    The Work of Faith 967-mp3
966 02/05/23    The Natural Man vs. The Spiritual Man  966-mp3
965 01/29/23    Exhortations and Warnings from the Epistle to the Hebrews  965-mp3
964 01/22/23    Testing the Spirits 964-mp3
963 01/15/23    The Son of Man Ascended  963-mp3
962 01/08/23    Finding God in the Impossible  962-mp3
961 01/01/23    What is The Love of God? - Galatians Pt 28  961-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 28
960 12/25/22    God's Seasons of Silence - Galatians Pt 27  960-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 27
959 12/18/22    The Truth about Sowing and Reaping -  Galatians Pt 26    959-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 26
958 12/11/22    Jesus Christ:  Realized and Expressed - Galatians - Pt 25  958-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 25
957 12/04/22    The Offence of the Cross - Galatians Pt 24  957-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 24
956 11/20/22-2    Christ in Us - Summary of Christianity - Sunday School at SHGB 956-SHGB-mp3 Sunday School -- SHGB
955 11/20/22-1    Standing Fast in the Freedom of Christ - Galatians Pt 23  955-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 23
954 11/13/22    The Truth about Spiritual Circumcision - Galatians Pt 22  954-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 22
953 11/06/22    Do We Really Want the Truth? - Galatians Pt 21  953-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 21
952 10/30/22    Sons and Daughters IN the Son - Galatians Pt 20  952-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 20
951 10/23/22    How to Approach End Time Prophecy  951-mp3
950 10/09/22    What is the New Covenant? - Galatians Pt 19  950-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 19
949 10/02/22    The Glorious Liberty of the Children of God - Galatians Pt 18  949-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 18
948 09/25/22    Freedom From the Law - Galatians Pt 17  948-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 17
947 09/18/22    The Foundation of Christian Liberty - Galatians Pt 16  947-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 16
946 09/11/22    The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8) - Gal. Pt 15  946-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 15
945 09/04/22    The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 7-8) - Gal. Pt 14 945-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 14
944 08/28/22    The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 7) - Gal. Pt 13  944-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 13
943 08/21/22    The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 6-7) - Gal. Pt 12  943-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 12
942 08/14/22    Declared Right for God - Galatians Pt 11  942-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 11
941 08/07/22    Suffering for the Sake of Jesus Christ - Galatians Pt 10  941-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 10
940 07/31/22    The Danger of Counterfeit Christiantiy - Galatians Pt 9  940-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 9
939 07/17/22    Yet Not I, But Christ - Galatians Pt 8  939-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 8
938 07/10/22    Delivered in Jesus Christ - Galatians Pt 7  938-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 7
937 07/03/22    The Only Solution to Error - Galaitans Pt 6  937-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 6
936 06/26/22    The Truth about Amazing Grace - Galatians Pt 5  936-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 5
935 06/19/22    The Firm Foundation:  Christ in Us - Galatians Pt 4 935-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 4
934 06/12/22    Faith that is Solely in Jesus Christ - Galatians Pt 3  934-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 3
933 06/05/22    The Faith OF Jesus Christ - Galatians Pt 2  933-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 2
932 05/29/22    The One and Only True Gospel - Galatians Pt 1  932-mp3 Truths from Galatians - Pt 1
931 05/22/22    Psalm 24 - The Absolute Essential of Righteousness  931-mp3 Psalms
930 05/15/22    Psalm 9 - The Redemptive Judgment of God 930-mp3 Psalms
929 05/08/22    Psalm 127 - Is My Christianity Real?  929-mp3 Psalms
928 05/01/22    Psalm 112 - The Solution to Fear  928-mp3 Psalms
927 04/17/22    Psalm 118 - Christ, Our Passover - Pt 2  927-mp3 Psalms
926 04/10/22    Psalm 118 - Christ, Our Passover - Pt 1  926-mp3 Psalms
925 04/03/22    Psalm 27 - Pt 2 - The Cross, The Life, and The Light  925-mp3 Psalms
924 03/20/22    Psalm 71 - What Does it Mean to, "Abide in Christ?"  924-mp3 Psalms
923 03/13/22    Psalm 48 - The Body of Christ: The Mountain of God's Holiness  923-mp3 Psalms
922 02/27/22    Psalm 83 - When God is Silent and Seems Indifferent  922-mp3 Psalms
921 02/20/22    Psalm 68 - Pt 2 - The Real Meaning of Antichrist  921-mp3 Psalms
920 02/06/22    Psalm 68 - Pt 1 - End Time Revival and Apostasy  920-mp3 Psalms
919 01/30/22    Psalm 54 - Freedom Through the Cross  919-mp3 Psalms
918 01/23/22    Psalm 89 - God's Eternal Witness Thru the New Covenant 918-mp3 Psalms
917 01/16/22    Psalm 51 - Truth in the Inward Parts  917-mp3 Psalms
916 01/09/22    Psalm 32 - Reconciliaton Unto God  916-mp3 Psalms
915 12/26/21    The Christmas Story:  Life in Christ Through Adversity  915-mp3
914 12/19/21    Psalm 103 - The "Reward" of the Redeemed  914-mp3 Psalms
913 12/12/21    Psalm 47 - The Truth about Inheritance in Christ  913-mp3 Psalms
912 11/28/21    Psalm 130 - Christ:  The One and Only Righteousness  912-mp3 Psalms
911 11/21/21    Psalm 36 - Pt 3 - How to Have Fellowship with Jesus Christ  911-mp3 Psalms
910 11/14/21    Psalm 126 - When the Lord Turns Captivity to Freedom  910-mp3 Psalms
909 11/07/21    Psalm 133 - Unity in Jesus Christ vs. Evil Unity  909-mp3 Psalms
908 10/31/21    Psalm 31 - The Gospel of Jesus Christ or The Gospel of Satan  908-mp3 Psalms
907 10/17/21    Psalm 93 - The Flood of the Enemy and the Victory of Jesus Christ  907-mp3 Psalms
906 10/10/21    Psalm 76 -- God's Answer to the Wrath of Man 906-mp3 Psalms
905 10/03/21    Psalm 102 - The Building of Zion  905-mp3 Psalms
904 09/26/21    Psalm 40 - Truth Without Compromise  904-mp3 Psalms
903 09/12/21    Psalm 22 - The Eternal Presence of the Kingdom of God in Christ 903-mp3 Psalms
902 09/05/21    Psalm 73 - Flesh vs. Spirit in Each Believer  902-mp3 Psalms
901 08/22/21    Psalm 34 - Progressive Enlightenment 901-mp3 Psalms
900 08/15/21    Psalm 43 - What Does it Mean to, "Be Holy?"  900-mp3 Psalms
899 08/08/21    Psalm 11 - Destroying the Foundations  899-mp3 Psalms
898 07/25/21    Psalm 18 - Deliverance From Sin and Death Thru Jesus Christ  898-mp3 Psalms
897 07/18/21    Psalm 1 - Bearing the Fruit of Jesus Christ  897-mp3 Psalms
896 06/27/21    Psalm 13 - Seeing and Hearing Jesus Christ  896-mp3 Psalms
895 06/20/21    Psalm 33 - The Absolute Essential of The Truth  895-mp3 Psalms
894 06/13/21    Psalm 42 - Coming Alive by Faith to The Living God  894-mp3 Psalms
893 06/06/21    Psalm 37 - Reasons Why God Allows Evil  893-mp3 Psalms
892 05/30/21    Psalm 50 - Pt 2 - The Gathering and Dividing by God's Word  892-mp3 Psalms
891 05/23/21    Psalm 50 - Pt 1 - "Gather My Saints Together Unto Me" 891-mp3 Psalms
890 05/16/21    Psalm 8 - The Son of Man; The Last Adam  890-mp3 Psalms
889 05/02/21    Psalm 2 - You Are Come to Mount Zion  889-mp3 Psalms
888 04/25/21    Psalm 36 - Pt 2 - The Fountain of Life  888-mp3 Psalms
887 04/18/21    Psalm 36 - Pt 1 - The Absolute Essential of Christ as Our Life  887-mp3 Psalms
886 03/28/21    Psalm 121 - Do We Really Believe God?  886-mp3 Psalms
885 03/21/21    Psalm 44 - A Personal Faith in Jesus Christ that Cannot be Moved  885-mp3 Psalms
884 03/14/21    Psalm 77 - A Journey Out of Self Into God  884-mp3 Psalms
883 03/07/21    Psalm 95 - Entering His Rest by Faith  883-mp3 Psalms
882 02/28/21    Psalm 25 - A Cry for Truth        882-mp3 Psalms
881 02/21/21    Psalm 27 - Pt 1 - The Lord is My Light and My Life  881-mp3 Psalms
880 02/07/21    The Love of Money  880-mp3 Truths from I Timothy - Part 8
879 01/31/21    Faithful Witnesses 879-mp3 Truths from I Timothy - Part 7
878 01/24/21    The Woman in the Wilderness (Revelation 12)  878-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 12
877 01/17/21    The One Thing Believers Must Lose  877-mp3 Truths from I Timothy - Part 6
876 01/10/21    Seducing Spirits and Doctrines of Devils  876-mp3 Truths from I Timothy - Part 5
875 01/03/21    One Mediator Between God and Man:  Jesus Christ  875-mp3 Truths from I Timothy - Part 4
874 12/27/20    The Responsibility of a Christian in a Fallen World  874-mp3 Truths from I Timothy - Part 3
873 12/13/20    The Doctrine of Jesus Christ 873-mp3 Truths from I Timothy - Part 2
872 12/06/20    Led by God into Suffering  872-mp3
871 11/29/20    The Pillar and Ground of the Truth  871-mp3 Truths from I Timothy - Part 1
870 11/22/20    The Lamb Who Was Slain (Revelation 5)  870-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 11
869 11/15/20    Judgment Must Begin with the House of God - Part 3  (Wheat and Tares)  869-mp3 Judgment Must Begin at the House of God - Part 3
868 11/08/20    Judgment Must Begin with the House of God - Part 2  (Matt. 24) 868-mp3 Judgment Must Begin at the House of God - Part 2
867 11/01/20    God's Inheritance in His Saints  (Carried by the Presence of God - Part 4)  867-mp3 God's Inheritance in His Saints - Part 4
866 10/25/20    Judgment Must Begin with the House of God - Part 1  (Judged by Truth) 866-mp3 Judgment Must Begin at the House of God - Part 1
865 10/11/20    God's Inheritance in His Saints  (The Victory of Faith - Part 3)  865-mp3 God's Inheritance in His Saints - Part 3
864 10/04/20    God's Inheritance in His Saints  (The Battle of Faith - Part 2)  864-mp3 God's Inheritance in His Saints - Part 2
863 09/27/20    God's Inheritance in His Saints  (A Manifestation of Christ - Part 1) 863-mp3 God's Inheritance in His Saints - Part 1
862 09/20/20    Realizing Jesus Christ  (Law vs Grace - Pt 6)  862-mp3 Law vs. Grace - Part 6
861 09/13/20    Walking in the Light  (Law vs. Grace - Part 5) 861-mp3 Law vs. Grace - Part 5
860 09/06/20    Walking in the Flesh vs. Walking in the Spirit  (Law vs. Grace - Part 4) 860-mp3 Law vs. Grace - Part 4
859 08/23/20    Jesus Christ is God's Sabbath Day  (Law vs. Grace - Part 3)  859-mp3 Law vs. Grace - Part 3
858 08/16/20    Christ, Our Righteousness  (Law vs. Grace - Part 2) 858-mp3 Law vs. Grace - Part 2
857 08/09/20    By Grace thru Faith  (Law vs. Grace - Part 1)  857-mp3 Law vs. Grace - Part 1
856 08/02/20    Praying Always, Fainting Not  856-mp3
855 07/26/20    The New Jerusalem  855-mp3
854 07/19/20    Spiritual Warfare and Deception  854-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 34
853 07/12/20    What it Means to Have Faith in God 853-mp3
852 06/28/20    Not in Word, But in Power  (I Cor. 4:20) 852-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 33
851 06/21/20    The Truth about the Gift of Tongues (I Cor. 14) 851-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 32
850 06/14/20    Baptized  By One Spirit into One Body  (I Cor. 12:13) 850-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 31
849 05/31/20    Is Jesus Lord or is Jesus Accursed?  (I Cor. 12:1-3) 849-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 30
848 05/24/20    The Hope of His Glory thru Resurrection   (I Cor. 15:35-38)  848-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 29
847 05/17/20    By the Grace of God (I Cor. 15:10) 847-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 28
846 05/10/20    God's Eternal Purpose in Christ  846-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 27
845 05/03/20    Two Laws: One of Life and One of Death (I Cor. 15:56-57)  845-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 26
844 04/26/20    True Revival:  An Awakening to Jesus Christ (I Cor. 15:34)     844-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 25
843 04/12/20    Christianity 101 -- Resurrection Life in Christ         843-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 24
842 04/05/20    Prophecy During this Time of Crisis  (Trusting God, etc - Pt 3) 842-mp3 Trusting God in This Time of Crisis - Part 3
841 03/29/20    God's Call to the Church in this Time of Crisis (Trusting God, etc - Pt 2) 841-mp3 Trusting God in This Time of Crisis - Part 2
840 03/22/20    Fear Not, Only Believe (Trusting God in this Time of Crisis - Pt 1) 840-mp3 Trusting God in This Time of Crisis - Part 1
839 03/15/20    "I Am Crucified With Christ"  839-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 23
838 03/08/20    The Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ  838-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 22
837 03/01/20    You Cannot Serve God and Mammon (God or Mammon - Pt 3) 837-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 21
836 02/23/20    The Reward:  Freedom In Christ Jesus  (God or Mammon - Pt 2) 836-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 20
835 02/16/20    Freely Received, Freely Give  (God or Mammon - Pt 1) 835-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 19
834 02/02/20    Relationships and Practices in the Body of Christ  (I Cor. 5-7) 834-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 18
833 01/26/20    The Trial of Faith and Suffering - 4 (For Jesus' Sake) 833-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 17
832 01/19/20    The Trial of Faith and Suffering - 3 (Righteousness)  832-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 16
831 01/12/20    The Trial of Faith and Suffering - 2 (Soul vs Spirit)     831-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 15
830 12/29/19    The Trial of Faith and Suffering - 1 (God's Purpose) 830-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 14
829 12/22/19    Jesus Christ -- The One True Head  (I Cor. 11:1-13) 829-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 13
828 12/15/19    Reality and Communion in Christ  828-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 12
827 12/08/19    Heresy in the Church        827-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 11
826 12/01/19    God's Dealing with Sin and Heresy in the Church        826-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 10
825 11/24/19    Jesus Christ is the One Mediator Unto God     825-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 9
824 11/17/19    Stewards of the Mysteries of God  (I Cor. 4:1) 824-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 8
823 11/10/19    Building Upon the Foundation of Jesus Christ  (I Cor. 3) 823-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 7
822 11/03/19    The Necessity and Certainty of Revelation     822-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 6
821 10/27/19    The Calling and The Journey  821-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 5
820 10/20/19    The Reality of Jesus Christ In Us  820-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 4
819 10/13/19    The Logos or Word of the Cross  (I Cor. 1:17-24) 819-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 3
818 10/06/19    Jesus Christ is the Power of God  (I Cor. 1:24) 818-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 2
817 09/29/19    The Spiritual vs. The Natural  817-mp3 Truths from I Corinthians - Part 1
816 09/15/19    The Truth about Spiritual Gifts    816-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 18
815 09/08/19    Prisoners of the Lord  815-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 17
814 09/01/19    Partakers of Jesus Christ 814-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 16
813 08/25/19    The One and Only Faith OF Jesus Christ  813-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 15
812 08/18/19    Keeping Unity in Christ Jesus  812-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 14
811 08/11/19    Learning Jesus Christ 811-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 13
810 07/28/19    The Place of the Believer in Spiritual Conflict 810-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 12
809 07/21/19    Death, Resurrection, and Ascension in Christ 809-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 11
808 07/14/19    A People Born of the Heavenlies  808-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 10
807 06/30/19    The Fullness of Him that Fills All in All 807-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 9
806 06/23/19    Seated in Christ in the Heavenlies  806-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 8
805 06/16/19    The Essential of Being Born From Above  805-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 7
804 06/09/19    Living in the Inheritance  804-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 6
803 06/02/19    The Inheritance of the Lord 803-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 5
802 05/19/19    Weak Enough for God 802-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 4
801 05/12/19    Christ the Power of God  801-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 3
800 05/05/19    All of the Promises of God in Christ   800-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 2
799 04/28/19    Jesus Christ is All (Ephesians 1)  799-mp3 Truths from Ephesians - Part 1
798 04/21/19    It is High Time for Believers to Wake Up! (Romans 13) 798-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 17
797 04/14/19    Divinely Led, or Divinely Governed? (Romans 8)  797-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 16
796 04/07/19    Faith, Not Works (Romans 4) 796-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 15
795 03/24/19    Christ, the End of the Law (Romans 10)  795-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 14
794 03/17/19    Repent and Believe (Romans 2)  794-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 13
793 03/10/19    Exhortations to the Church (Romans 12)  793-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 12
792 03/03/19    The Ministry of Life thru Death (Romans 12) 792-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 11
791 02/24/19    A Living Sacrifice, Holy and Acceptable to God (Romans 12)  791-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 10
790 02/17/19    The Truth about Homosexuality and Same Sex Marriage (Romans 1)  790-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 9
789 02/10/19    The Power and Purpose of the Gospel (Romans 1) 789-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 8
788 01/27/19    The Glory that Shall be Revealed (Romans 8)  788-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 7
787 01/20/19    The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Romans 8)  787-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 6
786 01/13/19    Flesh vs. Spirit (Romans 7) 786-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 5
785 01/06/19    Death and Resurrection in Christ - 3 (Romans 6)  785-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 4
784 12/30/18    Death and Resurrection in Christ - 2 (Romans 6)  784-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 3
783 12/23/18    Death and Resurrection in Christ - 1 (Romans 5)  783-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 2
782 12/16/18    Justification by Faith (Romans 3)  782-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Romans - Part 1
781 12/09/18    God's Final Word  781-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 16
780 12/02/18    Partakers of Christ and The Heavenly Calling  780-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 15
779 11/25/18    The Power of Life Eternal in Jesus Christ 779-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 14
778 11/18/18    Son of Man and High Priest  778-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 13
777 11/11/18    Coming Unto Jesus, Outside of the Camp  777-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 12
776 10/28/18    By Faith...Jericho  776-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 11
775 10/21/18    Full Assurance of Faith 775-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 10
774 10/14/18    Deliverance In Christ  774-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 9
773 10/07/18    The New and  Living Way  773-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 8
772 09/30/18    The Separation of Soul from Spirit  772-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 7
771 09/23/18    The Substance and Evidence of Faith  771-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 6
770 09/16/18    When God Shakes the Heavens  770-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 5
769 09/09/18    Sonship and Inheritance  769-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 4
768 09/02/18    Jesus Christ, God's True Sabbath Rest 768-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 3
767 08/26/18    Entering Into the Fullness of Christ 767-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 2
766 08/19/18    Upon This Rock  766-mp3 Truths from the Epistle to the Hebrews - Part 1
765 08/12/18    The Day of the Lord  765-mp3 II Peter - Part 6
764 08/05/18    The Seriousness of the Truth 764-mp3 II Peter - Part 5
763 07/22/18    There Must Be Heresies 763-mp3 II Peter - Part 4
762 07/15/18    Living in Christ, Not Fables 762-mp3 II Peter - Part 3
761 07/08/18    Seeing Jesus Christ  761-mp3 II Peter - Part 2
760 07/01/18    The Essential of Christ Our Righteousness 760-mp3 II Peter - Part 1
759 06/24/18    The God of All Grace  759-mp3 I Peter - Part 20
758 06/17/18    The Truth About New Testament Ministry  758-mp3 I Peter - Part 19
757 06/10/18    The Wiles of the Devil  757-mp3 I Peter - Part 18
756 06/03/18    Realizing God's Purpose thru Trials 756-mp3 I Peter - Part 17
755 05/20/18    Marriage in Christ and Head Coverings 755-mp3 I Peter - Part 16
754 05/13/18    Jesus Christ, The Sin Bearer 754-mp3 I Peter - Part 15
753 05/06/18    Suffering and Freedom From Sin 753-mp3 I Peter - Part 14
752 04/29/18    The Fellowship of His Sufferings  752-mp3 I Peter - Part 13
751 04/22/18    Strangers and Pilgrims 751-mp3 I Peter - Part 12
750 04/08/18    The Cornerstone, the Covenant, and the Church - 3  750-mp3 I Peter - Part 11
749 04/01/18    The Cornerstone, the Covenant, and the Church - 2  749-mp3 I Peter - Part 10
748 03/25/18    The Cornerstone, the Covenant, and the Church - 1  748-mp3 I Peter - Part 9
747 03/18/18    Spiritual Food  747-mp3 I Peter - Part 8
746 03/11/18    Obeying the Truth 746-mp3 I Peter - Part 7
745 03/04/18    Works and Rewards 745-mp3 I Peter - Part 6
744 02/18/18    Truths Into Which Angels Desire to Look 744-mp3 I Peter - Part 5
743 02/11/18    The Trial of Faith     743-mp3 I Peter - Part 4
742 02/04/18    The Hope of Glory  742-mp3 I Peter - Part 3
741 01/28/18    Chosen In Him       741-mp3 I Peter - Part 2
740 01/21/18    One in Christ, But Scattered 740-mp3 I Peter - Part 1
739 01/14/18    Laodicea -- The Lukewarm Church  739-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 10
738 01/07/18    Philadelphia -- The Key of David  738-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 9
737 12/31/17    Sardis -- Dead Religion 737-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 8
736 12/24/17    Thyatria -- Spiritual Adultery  736-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 7
735 12/17/17    Pergamos -- Compromise 735-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 6
734 12/10/17    Smyrna -- Christians under the Cross 734-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 5
733 12/03/17    Ephesus -- Doctrinal Christians  733-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 4
732 11/26/17    The Vision of Jesus Christ  732-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 3
731 11/19/17    The Testimony of Jesus Christ 731-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 2
730 11/12/17    The Revelation of Jesus Christ 730-mp3 The Apocalypse - Part 1
729 11/05/17    The Greatest Evidence of Christianity  729-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 53
728 10/29/17    Sanctified and Set Free by the Truth  728-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 52
727 10/15/17    The Nature and Purpose of the Church  727-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 51
726 10/08/17    Praying in the Name of Jesus  726-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 50
725 10/01/17    The Vine and the Branches  725-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 49
724 09/24/17    The Other Side of Travail  724-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 48
723 09/17/17    The Purpose of the Holy Spirit  723-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 47
722 09/10/17    The Present Reality of Christ Within  722-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 46
721 09/03/17    Proclamation, Devastation, and Restoration  721-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 45
720 08/27/17    Christ vs. Religion  720-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 44
719 08/20/17    Having Ears to Hear  719-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 43
718 08/13/17    The King of Israel  718-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 42
717 08/06/17    The Cost of Discipleship  717-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 41
716 07/30/17    "I AM the Ressurrection" 716-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 40
715 07/16/17    Principles of Ressurrection and Life  715-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 39
714 07/09/17    Jesus Christ is All 714-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 38
713 07/02/17    "I AM The Good Shepherd"  713-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 37
712 06/25/17    Jesus, the One Door and Mediator  712-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 36
711 06/18/17    Freedom from Blindness and Unbelief  711-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 35
710 06/11/17    The Father of Lies  710-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 34
709 06/04/17    Man's Religion vs. The New Creation 709-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 33
708 05/28/17    "I AM the Light"  708-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 32
707 05/21/17    The Truth About God in the Redemption  707-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 31
706 05/07/17    Freedom from Sin for a Christian  706-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 30
705 04/30/17    Unity and Division Because of Jesus Christ  705-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 29
704 04/23/17    Two Men and Two Kingdoms  704-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 28
703 04/16/17    The Evidence for the Ressurrection  703-mp3 Easter 2017
702 04/09/17    When the Spirit of God was Given  702-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 27
701 04/02/17    Jesus Christ, The Living Bread  701-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 26
700 03/26/17    Resurrection and Judgment  700-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 25
699 03/19/17    God's Strength Through Our Weakness  699-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 24
698 03/12/17    God's True Sabbath Rest in Jesus Christ  698-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 23
697 03/05/17    God's Eternal Harvest through Christ  697-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 22
696 02/26/17    Faith When God is Silent  696-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 21
695 02/19/17    In Spirit and In Truth  695-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 20
694 02/12/17    From Which Well Do I Drink?  694-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 19
693 02/05/17    Bondslaves of Christ  693-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 18
692 01/29/17    The Inheritance  692-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 17
691 01/22/17    The Heavenly Man  691-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 16
690 01/15/17    What is Spiritual Maturity?  690-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 15
689 01/08/17    Reasons Why God Sent Jesus  689-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 14
688 01/01/17    How to Discern the Truth in Jesus Christ  688-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 13
687 12/18/16    The Meaning of the New Birth 687-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 12
686 12/11/16    Signs and Wonders  686-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 11
685 12/04/16    A Den of Thieves  685-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 10
684 11/27/16    More Than a Miracle  684-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 9
683 11/20/16    The Stairway to Heaven  683-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 8
682 11/13/16    Sons and Daughters in Christ  682-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 7
681 11/06/16    What is Christianity?  681-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 6
680 10/30/16    Jesus Christ, The Sin Bearer  680-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 5
679 10/23/16    Christ, Our Passover Lamb  679-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 4
678 10/16/16    "Behold, the Lamb of God"  678-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 3
677 10/09/16    The Life and the Light  677-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 2
676 10/02/16    The Logos of God  676-mp3 The Gospel of John - Part 1
675 09/25/16    Victory in Christ Jesus       675-mp3 The Book of Job - Part 8
674 09/18/16    Leaving Ourselves Alone  674-mp3 The Book of Job - Part 7
673 09/11/16    Gaining an Eternal Perspective  673-mp3 The Book of Job - Part 6
672 09/04/16    The Necessity of Righteousness 672-mp3 The Book of Job - Part 5
671 08/28/16    The Meaning of True Faith 671-mp3 The Book of Job - Part 4
670 08/21/16    Why Believe and Obey God?  670-mp3 The Book of Job - Part 3
669 08/14/16    The Necessity of Suffering  669-mp3 The Book of Job - Part 2
668 08/07/16    The Purpose of God in Suffering  668-mp3 The Book of Job - Part 1
667 07/31/16    Christ, Our Life  667-mp3 Jude - Part 8
666 07/24/16    The Gainsaying of Korah  666-mp3 Jude - Part 7
665 07/17/16    The Error of Balaam  665-mp3 Jude - Part 6
664 07/10/16    The Way of Cain  664-mp3 Jude - Part 5
663 07/03/16    Jesus Having Come in the Flesh 663-mp3 Jude - Part 4
662 06/26/16    There Must Be Heresies  662-mp3 Jude - Part 3
661 06/19/16    A Stern Warning 661-mp3 Jude - Part 2
660 06/12/16    The Faith Once Delivered  660-mp3 Jude - Part 1
659 06/05/16    God's Eternal Purpose in Christ  659-mp3 Foundations - Part 10
658 05/29/16    The Meaning of Christianity  658-mp3 Foundations - Part 9
657 05/22/16    How Faith Comes to Be  657-mp3 Foundations - Part 8
656 05/15/16    The Truth in Christ vs. Heresy  656-mp3 Foundations - Part 7
655 05/08/16    Principles of the Body of Christ  655-mp3 Foundations - Part 6
654 05/01/16    Law vs. Grace  654-mp3 Foundations - Part 5
653 04/24/16    The Work of the Cross  653-mp3 Foundations - Part 4
652 04/17/16    The Two Men 652-mp3 Foundations - Part 3
651 04/10/16    Upon the Rock of Christ  651-mp3 Foundations - Part 2
650 04/03/16    Repent and Believe  650-mp3 Foundations - Part 1
649 03/27/16    The Evidence of the Resurrection  649-mp3 Easter 2016
648 03/20/16    Freely Given In Christ  648-mp3
647 03/13/16    The Latter Times and Deception  647-mp3
646 03/06/16    Simplicity in Jesus Christ  646-mp3
645 02/28/16    Why Does God Allow Evil?  645-mp3
644 02/21/16    Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification 644-mp3
643 02/14/16    The Law of Life in Jesus Christ - Pt 3        643-mp3 The Law of Life in Jesus Christ - Part 3
642 02/07/16    The Law of Life In Jesus Christ - Pt 2  642-mp3 The Law of Life in Jesus Christ - Part 2
641 01/31/16    The Law of Life in Jesus Christ - Pt 1 641-mp3 The Law of Life in Jesus Christ - Part 1
640 01/24/16    What is The New Covenant?  640-mp3
639 01/17/16    Redeemed from the Curse  639-mp3
638 01/10/16    The Keys to the Book of Revelation  638-mp3
637 01/03/16    The 3-Fold Witness of Christ  637-mp3 I John - Part 42
636 12/27/15    Perfect Love Casts Out Fear  636-mp3 I John - Part 41
635 12/20/15    Christ in You:  The Power of God     635-mp3 I John - Part 40
634 12/13/15    The Modern Lie of Gnosticism 634-mp3 I John - Part 39
633 12/06/15    Praying According to the Will of God  633-mp3 I John - Part 38
632 11/29/15    Christ, The Evidence of God  632-mp3 I John - Part 37
631 11/22/15    What is True Ministry?  631-mp3 I John - Part 36
630 11/15/15    The Victory of Christ Over the Devil  630-mp3 I John - Part 35
629 11/08/15    The Work of Faith  629-mp3 I John - Part 34
628 10/25/15    Faith vs. Unbelief  628-mp3 I John - Part 33
627 10/18/15    Being Ready for His Coming  627-mp3 I John - Part 32
626 10/11/15    Sons and Daughters of God  626-mp3 I John - Part 31
625 10/04/15    No Lie is of the Truth  625-mp3 I John - Part 30
624 09/27/15    One Mediator  624-mp3 I John - Part 29
623 09/20/15    The Anointing  623-mp3 I John - Part 28
622 09/13/15    The Meaning of Antichrist - Pt 4 (The "Man" of Sin)  622-mp3 I John - Part 27
621 09/06/15    The Meaning of Antichrist - Pt 3 (The "Doctrine" of Christ)  621-mp3 I John - Part 26
620 08/30/15    The Meaning of Antichrist - Pt 2 (The Test for Truth)  620-mp3 I John - Part 25
619 08/23/15    The Meaning of Antichrist - Pt 1 ("Instead of Christ")  619-mp3 I John - Part 24
618 08/16/15    That Which Abides Forever - Pt 3 618-mp3 I John - Part 23
617 08/09/15    That Which Abides Forever - Pt 2  617-mp3 I John - Part 22
616 08/02/15    That Which Abides Forever - Pt 1 616-mp3 I John - Part 21
615 07/26/15    Citizens From Above  615-mp3 I John - Part 20
614 07/19/15    Inner Man vs. Outer Man  614-mp3 I John - Part 19
613 07/12/15    Seated In Christ 613-mp3 I John - Part 18
612 07/05/15    Love Not the World 612-mp3 I John - Part 17
611 06/28/15    Truth and Love  611-mp3 I John - Part 16
610 06/21/15    Those Who Never Heard the Gospel - Pt 2 610-mp3 I John - Part 15
609 06/14/15    Those Who Never Heard the Gospel - Pt 1    609-mp3 I John - Part 14
608 06/07/15    Christ, Our Reconciliation  608-mp3 I John - Part 13
607 05/31/15    Truth and Faith  607-mp3 I John - Part 12
606 05/24/15    Light, Sin, and Confession  606-mp3 I John - Part 11
605 05/17/15    Spiritual Sight  605-mp3 I John - Part 10
604 05/10/15    Truth and Divine Guidance  604-mp3 I John - Part 9
603 05/03/15    The Truth Shall Set You Free  603-mp3 I John - Part 8
602 04/26/15    Fellowship With God  602-mp3 I John - Part 7
601 04/19/15    Do We Really Want the Truth?  601-mp3 I John - Part 6
600 04/12/15    Truth and Light in Jesus Christ 600-mp3 I John - Part 5
599 04/05/15    The Evidence of the Resurrection 599-mp3 I John - Part 4
598 03/29/15    The Greatest Lie Ever Told  598-mp3 I John - Part 3
597 03/22/15    Christ, Our Life  597-mp3 I John - Part 2
596 03/15/15    The Word of Life  596-mp3 I John - Part 1
595 03/08/15    The Trial of Your Faith II:  Seeing God  595-mp3
594 03/01/15    The Trial of Your Faith I:  As Gold Tried by Fire 594-mp3
593 02/22/15    The Normal Christian Experience  593-mp3
592 02/15/15    The Heavenly Man  592-mp3
591 02/08/15    Finding the Will of God  591-mp3
590 02/01/15    Justification and Righteousness by Faith 590-mp3
589 01/25/15    The Meaning of True Faith  589-mp3
588 01/18/15    The Apostasy - Pt. 3 588-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 34
587 01/11/15    The Apostasy - Pt. 2  587-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 33
586 01/04/15    The Apostasy - Pt. 1  586-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 32
585 12/28/14    The Upward Call of Jesus Christ  585-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 31
584 12/21/14    The Promise of the Father  584-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 30
583 12/14/14    Revival that is of God  583-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 29
582 12/07/14    The Fact and Finality of God's Forgiveness  582-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 28
581 11/30/14    Unity in Christ III: To Know by the Spirit  581-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 27
580 11/23/14    Unity in Christ II: The True Lord's Supper 580-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 26
579 11/16/14    Unity in Christ I: Unity vs. Division  579-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 25
578 11/09/14    Power and Authority in Christ III: Overcoming in Christ  578-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 24
577 11/02/14    Power and Authority in Christ II: Upon This Rock  577-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 23
576 10/26/14    Power and Authority in Christ I: Strength thru Weakness  576-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 22
575 10/19/14    Soul of Man or Spirit of God?  575-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 21
574 10/12/14    Christ, Our Hope of Glory  574-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 20
573 10/05/14    The Fellowship of His Sufferings  573-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 19
572 09/28/14    Gathering Together in Christ  572-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 18
571 09/21/14    Revelation, Not Religion  571-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 17
570 09/14/14    The Great Shaking  570-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 16
569 09/07/14    The Communion of the Saints  569-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 15
568 08/31/14    The Reward of the Redeemed  568-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 14
567 08/24/14    Serving God, Not Mammon - Pt2: Freely Received and Given  567-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 13
566 08/17/14    Serving God, Not Mammon - Pt1: Christ Our Life 566-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 12
565 08/10/14    A Church Born from Above 565-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 11
564 08/03/14    The Holy Temple of God  564-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 10
563 07/27/14    Him, Not Us - Pt2:  All Things Out from God  563-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 9
562 07/20/14    Him, Not Us - Pt1:  Christ in Us 562-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 8
561 07/13/14    Him, Not It  561-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 7
560 07/13/14    The Baptism With the Holy Spirit  560-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 6
559 06/29/14    The Ministry of Truth 559-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 5
558 06/22/14    The Ministry of Life  558-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 4
557 06/15/14    The Purpose of the Church  557-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 3
556 06/08/14    The Essence of the New Covenant 556-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 2
555 06/01/14    What is the Church? 555-mp3 The Church of the Living God - Pt 1
554 05/25/14    Seated In Heavenly Places In Christ 554-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 79
553 05/18/14    Abiding in Jesus Christ 553-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 78
552 05/11/14    The Invasion of Jesus Christ 552-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 77
551 05/04/14    God's Blueprint for Victory 551-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 76
550 04/27/14    Foundations for Conquest 550-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 75
549 04/20/14    The Distinctiveness of Jesus Christ 549-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 74
548 04/13/14    The Way, the Truth, and the Life 548-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 73
547 04/06/14    Guided Into All Truth 547-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 72
546 03/30/14    Two Altars 546-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 71
545 03/23/14    Life or Religion? 545-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 70
544 03/16/14    Settling For Less 544-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 69
543 03/09/14    Christ, Our Life 543-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 68
542 03/02/14    Upon This Rock 542-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 67
541 02/23/14    The Purpose of the Wilderness 541-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 66
540 02/16/14    Entering His Rest by Faith 540-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 65
539 02/09/14    The Hope of Glory 539-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 64
538 02/02/14

   From Jacob to Israel

538-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 63
537 01/19/14    The Trial of Faith IV - Power of His Resurrection 537-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 62
536 01/12/14    The Trial of Faith III - Truth from Job 536-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 61
535 01/05/14    The Trial of Faith II - The Nature of Things 535-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 60
534 12/29/13    The Trial of Faith I - General Principles 534-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 59
533 12/22/13    Holding Fast Unto the End 533-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 58
532 12/15/13    Take Heed, Brethren 532-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 57
531 12/08/13    O That You Would Hear His Voice Today 531-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 56
530 12/01/13    Entering the Land In UN-BELIEF 530-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 55
529 11/24/13    Partakers of Christ by Faith 529-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 54
528 11/17/13    The Righteousness of Jesus Christ 528-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 53
527 11/10/13    Yet Not I, But Christ 527-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 52
526 11/03/13    The Normal Christian Life 526-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 51
525 10/26/13    God's Answer for Man's Inability 525-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 50
524 10/19/13     By Grace thru Faith 524-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 49
523 10/06/13    The Real Meaning of Faith 523-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 48
522 09/29/13     "We Are Not Able" 522-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 47
521 09/22/13    Jesus Christ is THE WAY 521-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 46
520 09/15/13    Finality and Faith 520-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 45
519 09/08/13    The Lord's Inheritance 519-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 44
518 09/01/13    All in Christ 518-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 43
517 08/25/13    Jesus Christ, Our Great High Priest 517-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 42
516 08/18/13    Jesus Christ, the One Mediator Unto God 516-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 41
515 08/11/13    True Revival in the Mind of God 515-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 40
514 08/04/13    The Unshakable Kingdom 514-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 39
513 07/28/13    Worship in Spirit and Truth 513-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 38
512 07/21/13    The Two Days of Pentecost 512-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 37
511 07/14/13    The Two Covenants 511-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 36
510 07/07/13    Spirit vs. Flesh 510-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 35
509 06/30/13    The Sin Bearer 509-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 34
508 06/23/13    God Demonstrates His Love 508-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 33
507 06/16/13    Offering Back the Promises 507-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 32
506 06/09/13    What Does it Mean to Tempt God? 506-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 31
505 06/02/13    Is the Lord Among Us? 505-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 30
504 05/26/13    The Principle of the Sabbath 504-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 29
503 05/19/13    The Principle of Manna 503-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 28
502 05/12/13    Grace and Truth 502-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 27
501 05/05/13    Manna:  The Provision of God 501-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 26
500 04/28/13    The Tree of Life 500-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 25
499 04/21/13    Fellowship and Inheritance 499-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 24
498 04/14/13    Moving Forward in Christ 498-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 23
497 04/07/13    Freedom to Receive and Give 497-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 22
496 03/31/13    A Crossroads 496-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 21
495 03/24/13    Standing Still by Faith 495-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 20
494 03/17/13    No Fear or Condemnation 494-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 19
493 03/10/13    Seeing Salvation 493-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 18
492 03/03/13    God's Purpose in the Impossible 492-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 17
491 02/24/13    The First Born and the Inheritance 491-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 16
490 02/17/13    The Bread of Life 490-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 15
489 02/10/13    Unleavened Bread 489-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 14
488 02/03/13    In Christ 488-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 13
487 01/27/13    A Lamb Without Blemish 487-.mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 12
486 01/20/13    Recipients of Grace 486-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 11
485 01/13/13    Separated Unto God 485-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 10
484 01/06/13    God's Grace and Man's Heart 484-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 9
483 12/30/12    The Blood of the Lamb 483-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 8
482 12/23/12    The Power of the Cross 482-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 7
481 12/16/12    I Am That I Am 481-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 6
480 12/09/12    True Ministry 480-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 5
479 12/02/12    Seeing Him Who Is Invisible 479-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 4
478 11/25/12    God's Answer to Contradiction 478-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 3
477 11/18/12    The Seed of Abraham 477-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 2
476 11/11/12    Abram to Abraham 476-mp3 The Christian Journey - Pt 1
475 11/04/12    The End of the Age 475-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 18
474 10/28/12    Truth vs. Error 474-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 17
473 10/21/12    Wheat and Tares 473-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 16
472 10/14/12    Revival or Apostasy? 472-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 15
471 10/07/12    Signs and Wonders 471-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 14
470 09/30/12    The False Gospel of Soul Power - Pt 2 470-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 13
469 09/23/12    The False Gospel of Soul Power - Pt 1 469-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 12
468 09/16/12    The Heavenly vs. The Earthly 468-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 11
467 09/09/12    The Beast of Revelation 13 467-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 10
466 09/02/12    The False Gospel of ME 466-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 9
465 08/26/12    What is Deception? 465-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 8
464 08/19/12    The Angel of Light 464-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 7
463 08/12/12    The Two Men 463-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 6
462 08/05/12    The Man of Sin 462-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 5
461 07/29/12    Two Gospels 461-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 4
460 07/22/12    Upon This Rock 460-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 3
459 07/15/12    Christ in Us 459-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 2
458 07/08/12    The Test for Truth 458-mp3 The Antichrist - Part 1
457 07/01/12    Faith and the Truth 457-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 35
456 06/24/12    When Man Meets God (Leaving Yourself Alone) 456-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 34
455 06/17/12    When Man Meets God (Real Faith) 455-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 33
454 06/10/12    When Man Meets God (A Real Christian) 454-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 32
453 06/03/12    When Man Meets God (The Upward Call of God) 453-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 31
452 05/27/12    When Man Meets God (Formed Together with JC) 452-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 30
451 05/20/12    When Man Meets God (Power of His Resurrection) 451-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 29
450 05/13/12    When Man Meets God (Made Right For God) 450-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 28
449 05/06/12    When Man Meets God (To Be Found in Him) 449-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 27
448 04/29/12    When Man Meets God (To Win Christ) 448-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 26
447 04/22/12    When Man Meets God (Worshipping In Spirit) 447-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 25
446 04/15/12    When Man Meets God (The Circumcision) 446-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 24
445 04/08/12    Grace Is Free 445-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 23
444 04/01/12    When Your Kingdom Crashes 444-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 22
443 03/25/12    Ground Zero 443-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 21
442 03/18/12    Grace Thru Faith 442-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 20
441 03/11/12    Faith is Rest 441-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 19
440 03/04/12    Seeing the Unseen 440-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 18
439 02/26/12    Living In the Faith of Christ 439-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 17
438 02/19/12    Christ Lives in Me 438-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 16
437 02/05/12    The Need for a New Creation 437-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 15
436 01/29/12    Being Crucified With Christ 436-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 14
435 01/22/12    Walking in the Light 435-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 13
434 01/15/12    Walking by Faith 434-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 12
433 01/08/12    Standing by Faith 433-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 11
432 01/01/12    Christ, Who is Our Life 432-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 10
431 12/25/11    His Righteousness by Faith 431-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 9
430 12/18/11    Living From Out of Christ 430-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 8
429 12/11/11    Faith & the Dividing of Soul & Spirit 429-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 7
428 12/04/11    God's Will and Faith 428-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 6
427 11/27/11    The Evidence of Faith 427-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 5
426 11/20/11    The Object of Faith 426-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 4
425 11/13/11    How Faith is Tried 425-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 3
424 11/06/11    How Faith Grows 424-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 2
423 10/30/11    How Faith Comes 423-mp3 The Faith of Jesus Christ - Part 1
422 10/23/11    Serving God or Mammon 422-mp3 God or Mammon - Part 9
421 10/16/11    Seeking First the Kingdom 421-mp3 God or Mammon - Part 8
420 10/09/11    The Gospel in Sowing & Reaping 420-mp3 God or Mammon - Part 7
419 09/25/11    A Denial of God's Grace 419-mp3 God or Mammon - Part 6
418 09/18/11    Principles of Truth about Giving 418-mp3 God or Mammon - Part 5
417 09/11/11    Communion, not Commandment 417-mp3 God or Mammon - Part 4
416 09/04/11    Freely Received, Freely Give 416-mp3 God or Mammon - Part 3
415 08/28/11    Knowing the God of Grace 415-mp3 God or Mammon - Part 2
414 08/21/11    The God of All Grace 414-mp3 God or Mammon - Part 1
413 08/14/11    The Everlasting Covenant 413-mp3 Hebrews - Part 63
412 07/31/11    Outside the Camp - 3 (The Cross) 412-mp3 Hebrews - Part 62
411 07/24/11    Outside the Camp - 2 (Religiosity) 411-mp3 Hebrews - Part 61
410 07/17/11    Outside the Camp - 1 (Sin Offering)  410-mp3 Hebrews - Part 60
409 07/10/11    Dependence Upon God 409-mp3 Hebrews - Part 59
408 07/03/11    You Are Come Unto Mt. Zion 408-mp3 Hebrews - Part 58
407 06/26/11    The Truth About Head Coverings 407-mp3 Hebrews - Part 57
406 06/19/11    Christ, Our Personal Mediator 406-mp3 Hebrews - Part 56
405 06/12/11    Created in Christ 405-mp3 Hebrews - Part 55
404 06/05/11    An Unshakable Kingdom 404-mp3 Hebrews - Part 54
403 05/29/11    The Spiritual Nature of Christianity 403-mp3 Hebrews - Part 53
402 05/22/11    All Things Freely Given in Christ 402-mp3 Hebrews - Part 52
401 05/15/11    Lest We Fail the Grace of God 401-mp3 Hebrews - Part 51
400 05/08/11    Holiness and Seeing the Lord 400-mp3 Hebrews - Part 50
399 05/01/11    God's Dealings With Sons 399-mp3 Hebrews - Part 49
398 04/24/11    Risen With Christ 397-mp3
397 04/17/11    The Blood of the Lamb 398-mp3
396 03/27/11    Despising the Shame 396-mp3 Hebrews - Part 48
395 03/20/11    Running With Endurance 395-mp3 Hebrews - Part 47
394 03/13/11    Looking Unto Jesus 394-mp3 Hebrews - Part 46
393 03/06/11    Strength Through Weakness 393-mp3 Hebrews - Part 45 
392 02/27/11    Overcoming Sin Thru the Cross 392-mp3 Hebrews - Part 44 
391 02/20/11    The Kingdom Within 391-mp3 Hebrews - Part 43 
390 02/13/11    The City With Foundations 390-mp3 Hebrews - Part 42 
389 02/06/11    God or Mammon 389-mp3 Hebrews - Part 41 
388 01/30/11    God's Provision in Christ 388-mp3 Hebrews - Part 40 
387 01/23/11    Living From Above 387-mp3 Hebrews - Part 39 
386 01/16/11    Citizens of Heaven 386-mp3 Hebrews - Part 38 
385 01/09/11    In Christ Alone 385-mp3 Hebrews - Part 37 
384 01/02/11    All Things in Christ 384-mp3 Hebrews - Part 36 
383 12/26/10    The Meaning of His Coming 383-mp3
382 12/19/10    Birth Through Travail  382-mp3 Hebrews - Part 35 
381 12/12/10    Righteousness by Faith 381-mp3 Hebrews - Part 34 
380 12/05/10    Substance & Evidence 380-mp3 Hebrews - Part 33 
379 11/28/10    Assembling Together 379-mp3 Hebrews - Part 32
378 11/21/10    A New and Living Way 378-mp3 Hebrews - Part 31
377 11/14/10    New Covenant Reality in Christ 377-mp3 Hebrews - Part 30
376 11/07/10    Inheriting the Promises 376-mp3 Hebrews - Part 29
375 10/31/10    Faith and Patience 375-mp3 Hebrews - Part 28
374 10/24/10    Eternal Security 374-mp3 Hebrews - Part 27
373 10/17/10    Eternal Judgment 373-mp3 Hebrews - Part 26
372 10/10/10    Resurrection in Christ 372-mp3 Hebrews - Part 25
371 10/03/10    Apprehended by God 371-mp3 Hebrews - Part 24
370 09/26/10    Christ Crucified 370-mp3 Hebrews - Part 23
369 09/19/10    Repentance and the Cross 369-mp3 Hebrews - Part 22
368 09/12/10    Repentance from Dead Works 368-mp3 Hebrews - Part 21
367 09/05/10    Discernment and Spiritual Maturity 367-mp3 Hebrews - Part 20
366 08/29/10    Forgiven Once for All 366-mp3 Hebrews - Part 19
365 08/22/10    The Once For All Sacrifice 365-mp3 Hebrews - Part 18
364 08/15/10    The Melchizedek Priesthood 364-mp3 Hebrews - Part 17
363 08/08/10    Prayer and God's Will in Christ 363-mp3 Hebrews - Part 16
362 08/01/10    One With God In Christ          362-mp3 Hebrews - Part 15
361 07/25/10    Christ: Our Mediator Unto God 361-mp3 Hebrews - Part 14
360 07/18/10    The Living Truth of God 360-mp3 Hebrews - Part 13
359 07/04/10    Seed Truths from Joshua 359-mp3 Hebrews - Part 12
358 06/27/10    Laboring to Enter His Rest 358-mp3 Hebrews - Part 11
357 06/20/10    Resting In Christ 357-mp3 Hebrews - Part 10
356 06/13/10    God's Promised Land 356-mp3 Hebrews - Part 9
355 06/06/10    Yet Not I, But Christ 355-mp3 Hebrews - Part 8
354 05/30/10    Righteousness in Christ 354-mp3 Hebrews - Part 7
353 05/23/10    A Heavenly Calling 353-mp3 Hebrews - Part 6
352 05/16/10    Partakers of Christ 352-mp3 Hebrews - Part 5
351 05/09/10    Jesus is Lord of All 351-mp3 Hebrews - Part 4
350 05/02/10    Jesus, The Last Adam 350-mp3 Hebrews - Part 3
349 04/25/10    Hearing God 349-mp3 Hebrews - Part 2
348 04/11/10    Jesus, the Word of God 348-mp3 Hebrews - Part 1
347 04/04/10    The Resurrection and the Life Redemption - Part 16
346 03/21/10    God's True Sabbath Rest Redemption - Part 15
345 03/14/10    Freely Given In Christ Redemption - Part 14
344 03/07/10    Treasure in Earthen Vessels Redemption - Part 13
343 02/28/10    Law and Grace Redemption - Part 12
342 02/21/10    The Gift of the Holy Spirit Redemption - Part 11
341 02/14/10    The Kingdom of God Redemption - Part 10
340 01/31/10    The Gospel:  Repent and Believe Redemption - Part 9
339 01/24/10    The Lamb of God Redemption - Part 8
338 01/17/10    The Son:  God Become Man Redemption - Part 7
337 01/10/10    The Father, Son, and sons Redemption - Part 6
336 01/03/10    The Covenants Redemption - Part 5
335 12/27/09    The Promise Redemption - Part 4
334 12/20/09    Redemption Revelation:  Pt 1  Pt 2 Redemption - Part 3  
333 12/06/09    The Need for a New Creation Redemption - Part 2
332 11/29/09    Beginnings 332-mp3 Redemption - Part 1
331 11/22/09    Praying Always Ephesians:  Part 49
330 11/15/09    Christ, The Armor of God Ephesians:  Part 48
329 11/08/09    Standing Against Satan's Wiles Ephesians:  Part 47
328 11/01/09    Spiritual Warfare Ephesians:  Part 46
327 10/25/09    The Fullness of Christ Ephesians:  Part 45
326 10/18/09    Standing by Faith Ephesians:  Part 44
325 10/11/09    God's Family Pattern Ephesians:  Part 43
324 09/27/09    Reverence For God Ephesians:  Part 42
323 09/20/09    The Truth About Submission    Ephesians:  Part 41
322 09/13/09    Children of Light Ephesians:  Part 40
321 09/06/09    Sin and the Christian Ephesians:  Part 39
320 08/30/09    Christ, Our Inheritance Ephesians:  Part 38
319 08/23/09    A Renewed Mind Ephesians:  Part 37
318 08/09/09    Two Men Ephesians:  Part 36
317 08/02/09    Learning Christ IV:  Learning Grace Ephesians:  Part 35
316 07/26/09    Learning Christ III:  Discipleship Ephesians:  Part 34
315 07/18/09    Learning Christ II:  Trials of Faith Ephesians:  Part 33
314 07/12/09    Learning Christ I Ephesians:  Part 32
313 07/05/09    The Nature of the Church Ephesians:  Part 31
312 06/28/09    There Must Be Heresies Ephesians:  Part 30
311 06/21/09    Ministry of the Holy Spirit Ephesians:  Part 29
310 06/14/09    Unity in the Spirit Ephesians:  Part 28
309 06/07/09    Knowing the Love of Christ Ephesians:  Part 27
308 05/31/09    Dependency Upon God Ephesians:  Part 26
307 05/17/09    Carrying the Presence of God Ephesians:  Part 25
306 05/10/09    The Inner Man and the Flesh Ephesians:  Part 24
305 05/03/09    Fellowship With God Ephesians:  Part 23
304 04/26/09    God's Building Ephesians:  Part 22
303 04/19/09    One New Man in Christ Ephesians:  Part 21
302 04/12/09    A Living Hope Easter 2009
301 04/05/09    Blessed is He Who Comes Easter 2009
300 03/29/09    His Workmanship Ephesians:  Part 20
299 03/22/09    Substance and Evidence Ephesians:  Part 19
298 03/15/09    Faith and the Will of God Ephesians:  Part 18
297 03/08/09    By Grace Through Faith Ephesians:  Part 17
296 03/01/09    Divine Principles of Grace Ephesians:  Part 16
295 02/22/09    Resurrection Life Ephesians:  Part 15
294 02/15/09    God's Calling to Christ Ephesians:  Part 14
293 02/08/09    The Hope of His Calling Ephesians:  Part 13
292 02/01/09    The Believer's Battleground Ephesians:  Part 12
291 01/25/09    The Knowledge of God Ephesians:  Part 11
290 01/18/09    All Things in Christ Ephesians:  Part 10
289 01/04/09    Christ, The Sin Bearer Ephesians:  Part 9
288 12/28/08    Eternal Security in Christ Ephesians:  Part 8
287 12/21/08    Jesus is God Ephesians:  Part 7
286 12/14/08    In Him We Have Redemption Ephesians:  Part 6
285 12/07/08    Adoption Through Christ Ephesians:  Part 5
284 11/30/08    Holy and Blameless Ephesians:  Part 4
283 11/23/08    Election and Predestination Ephesians:  Part 3
282 11/16/08    Reigning With Christ Ephesians:  Part 2
281 11/09/08    Seated In Christ Ephesians:  Part 1
280 11/02/08    The Judgment of God The Last Days - Pt 4
279 10/26/08    Be Ready For the Second Coming The Last Days - Pt 3
278 10/19/08    The Apostasy and Antichrist The Last Days - Pt 2
277 10/12/08    What is True Revival? The Last Days - Pt 1

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